01 60 29 70 00
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Dental prophylaxis in Pontault-Combault

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Prophylaxis / tooth cleaning

Prophylaxis is defined as "all the means put in place to prevent the occurrence of a disease".
Prophylaxis prevents decay and loosening of teeth and aims to maintain the results of dental care.
Decay, loosening and tooth loss are not inevitable. If today, the clinical examination of your mouth reveals a satisfactory state and your oral condition does not present any symptoms commonly encountered in dentistry, this state of health remains precarious. The statistics are explicit: only 5% of the population will not encounter any dental disease.

In our dental practice, every effort is made to prevent the onset of caries or periodontal disease (loosening) and to halt its development and aggravation.
Consequently, a prophylactic follow-up programme is proposed to you to avoid the appearance and development of oral bacterial diseases. Prophylactic care replaces traditional scaling, the results of which are largely insufficient to prevent decay and protect against cavities.

Carious disease

Caries is an infectious disease caused by microbes in the mouth. Food deposits and sugars promote the growth of caries-causing bacteria that are harmful to oral health. Causes of the disease: Your mouth contains a large number of microbes, and this is normal. Some are "friendly" and some are "hostile".

Some of these cause cavities. When these two categories are in balance, you have good dental health and do not develop cavities. Under certain conditions, hostile microbes can build up in your mouth, feed on the sugars in your food and produce acids. It is these acids that 'decay' your teeth.


This disease does not develop in a regular way; it evolves over several months in more or less rapid cycles depending on the subject. There is a time lag between the appearance of the first clinical signs of caries and the much earlier acquisition of the various factors responsible.

This disease can cause :
stains, holes
aches and pains
nerve damage, "toothache
sensitivities to cold, heat, sweet or sour foods
the loss of the tooth

Aggravating factors:

illness or medication that affects your saliva
ineffective dental care, lack of fluoride
unfavourable environment, carious history
inadequate dental care
grooves or tooth shapes that weaken your teeth
loosening, misplaced teeth, prostheses
inadequate plate control, in places where you don't brush
orthodontic treatment
high levels of caries-causing microbes
low saliva production
saliva with poor oral acidity regulation
repetitive sweet eating
professional activity
general health
The early stages of decay are only visible through dental examination and are sometimes reversible. The hole is only an advanced and irreversible form of the disease. It is common for the hole to be small or even invisible on the surface and very large on the inside. The caries affects the tooth, whether it is "alive" or not. When it is devitalized, there is no painful sign. It can also happen on a living tooth that the cavity is painless.


Caries is, together with tooth decay, one of the two most common infections in humans. Today, we have the means to stop it, to restore the damage it has caused, to ensure the duration of the restoration and to avoid the recurrence of this disease. The first stages of caries are reversible thanks to local medical treatments: these are surface prophylactic treatments.

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Every dental challenge has a solution, together we will find the most appropriate one
01 60 29 70 00
110 Avenue de la République
77340 Pontault-Combault