01 60 29 70 00
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Dental clarification in Pontault-Combault

Learn more
Tooth whitening is a process that lightens the enamel of a tooth by using a bleaching solution (carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide). This solution, when in prolonged contact with a tooth, 'breaks down' the pigments that have formed over the years.

Tooth whitening allows you to gain up to 2 shades of colour through an outpatient treatment (at home) via custom-made trays. The procedure can be repeated depending on the desired whitening and the original shade. The treatment is painless and safe. The results are immediate and spectacular.

Bleaching can also be done in our dental office. In the dental office, the practitioner will first check the dental and gum health. Then, a protection can be applied to the gums to avoid irritation. A professional product based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is used, depending on the need. A bleaching lamp or laser is sometimes used in addition.

Frequently asked questions

Is the treatment effective and sustainable?

Yes, it is a proven method. Everything that makes a tooth naturally beautiful is preserved. Depending on your lifestyle, the effect lasts from two to five years. After that, a short maintenance treatment can be offered for a lasting result.

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Every dental challenge has a solution, together we will find the most appropriate one
01 60 29 70 00
110 Avenue de la République
77340 Pontault-Combault